Step into who you truly are and live the life you’ve imagined.

Maria O'Hara



I'm Maria, a dedicated guide in the realms of psychology, mindfulness, and personal well-being.

My journey began years ago with a pursuit for inner peace, diving into meditation and yoga. However, it was the integration of psychological principles that deepened my understanding of the mind and its patterns. This fusion of mindfulness with psychology and yoga has become the cornerstone of my approach.

I've devoted years to studying and mastering these disciplines, enabling me to develop the MIBA method - a unique blend that enriches personal well-being by harnessing the transformative power of mindfulness, backed by psychological insights.

Join me on this enlightening journey and explore how mindfulness, infused with psychological wisdom, can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and foster lasting change. Let's journey together on this path of self-discovery and growth!


My Story

For years, I found myself trapped in negative thinking patterns and behaviors that hindered my personal growth and held me back from living the life I desired and being the person I wanted to be.

As a trained psychologist, I delved into the study of human behavior and discovered the profound impact of stress and belief systems on our perception of the world.

Seeking a solution, I immersed myself in mindfulness practices, integrating them into every aspect of my life. The transformation I experienced was nothing short of remarkable—I became more aware of my thoughts and triggers, empowering me to choose my responses and live a more fulfilling life.

Inspired by this personal journey, I founded the MIBA method, a unique approach that combines psychology and scientifically-proven mindfulness techniques to enhance personal wellbeing.



  • Psychology B.Sc. - The Open University
  • Master's Degree - Mindfulness- Based Interventions - Universidad Complutense
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training -  The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training (MBSR) - Brown University 
  • Positive Neuroplasticity - Rick Hanson, The Greater Good Science Centre
  • 200hr Yoga Teacher trainging - Instituto Europeo de Yoga (IEY)




These credentials, education, and specialized training set me apart and enable me to provide high-quality support and guidance in the areas of well-being and stress reduction.

I have a deep understanding of the well-being and stress reduction field, which allows me to provide valuable support and guidance.

I am dedicated to helping individuals improve their overall quality of life and achieve their well-being goals.


  • Psychology B.Sc. - The Open University
  • Master's Degree - Mindfulness- Based Interventions - Universidad Complutense
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training -  The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training (MBSR) - Brown University 
  • Positive Neuroplasticity - Rick Hanson, The Greater Good Science Centre
  • 200hr Yoga Teacher trainging - Instituto Europeo de Yoga (IEY)




These credentials, education, and specialized training set me apart and enable me to provide high-quality support and guidance in the areas of well-being and stress reduction.

I have a deep understanding of the well-being and stress reduction field, which allows me to provide valuable support and guidance.

I am dedicated to helping individuals improve their overall quality of life and achieve their well-being goals.

Find your calm with Maria

Find the resources that are right for you.

Cultivating Calm 

6-week self-paced course giving you the tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety.  An in-depth learning experience, that allows you to incorporate the tools and techniques into your daily life as you work through the course material. This helps to see the difference this approach can have in your life in real-time. Tap into the real you.


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Sound Therapy

Discover the healing rhythms of sound therapy, a unique experience designed to harmonize your body and mind. Let each soothing tone guide you into a state of profound relaxation and balance, opening a path to enhanced well-being and inner peace. Embrace the journey towards a more centred and vibrant you with the transformative power of sound. 


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MBSR Live Course

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based eight-week program that presents secular, mindfulness training to support you in managing stress, anxiety, depression and pain. The MBSR combines mindfulness practices, body awareness and psycho-education as tools to explore patterns in your thinking, feeling and behaviour.


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